עבודה בשפה האנגלית, המנתחת את מכתבו המפורסם של מרטין לוטר ינג, מנהיג התנועה לאמנסיפצית האפרו-אמריקאים

תקציר העבודה

    In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail" Martin Luther King describes the situation in which are caught the Negro citizens of America.
In order to do so, he produces the arguments of his opponents and dismisses them one by one. Besides other critique, which is brought up against King, and with which he is obliged to deal, he discusses labeling him as an "extremist" (p 7; 8). He says that the people who oppose the different ways of non-violent protest suggested by him and his supporters, calling this activity "extreme" (7), must understand that if King is an extremist, he is "an extremist for love" and not a violent extremist, like they think him to be (8).