אנגלית רמה D

מוסד לימוד
סוג העבודה
מספר ממ"ן 15
מילות מפתח , , ,
שנת הגשה 2015
מספר מילים 388

תקציר העבודה

Multi-Tasking Makes You Stupid Pre-reading Read the title and subtitle.
1.        Do you think the text is going to discuss the disadvantages What words helped you choose your answer?
Read the first paragraph.
2.        What idea is illustrated by the situation described in the paragraph?
Close Reading
3 .        In paragraph 2 the writer describes the negative effects of multi-tasking. List five of these effects. i.      ….

4 .        What evidence does the writer present to support the claim that “there is a clear trend” (line 20) towards multi-tasking?
45% of workers feel they are asked or expected to work on to many tasks at once 5.        In paragraph 4 the writer presents the findings of  two  studies on how multi- tasking  affects us. Complete the table below to show a) the finding of the two ….