אנגלית רמה B

סוג העבודה
מספר ממ"ן 12
שנת הגשה 2016
מספר מילים 1866

תקציר העבודה

ממן 12
Malnutrition, Poverty and Intellectual Development Eye-catching features* Answer questions 1 –
2 based on the title, the information under the title, the information in DIAGRAM III and the caption below DIAGRAM III. 
1 . What is the final outcome of malnutrition on a child's intellectual development?
interfering with overall health, the child's energy level, rate of motor development and rate of growth.
2 .    The information under the title says that "a poor diet influences mental development in more ways than expected…" Look at Diagram III and read the caption under it:
    a. According to the "old theory", in what way does malnutrition lead to delayed intellectual development?    low economic status can exacerbate all these factors(in answer 1( and increase the risk that impoverished children will suffer cognitive damage later in life.
    b. According to the "new theory", in what ways does malnutrition lead to delayed        intellectual development?   Check (P) all the correct answers.
         malnutrition may cause brain damage          the child has problems eating food          less learning from the environment due to reduced mobility and energy               parents expect less from their physically underdeveloped child          adults are not emotionally attached to the child (2
+ 5 = 7 points)
3 .   PICTURE II and the captions which are on the same page tell us about a study.
      What was the purpose of the study?
      Assess the impact of poor nutrition on later intellectual development, by taking a dietary supplement during childhood.
4 .   Based on the eye-catching features, predict 2 of the main issues in this text.
The impact of poor nutrition on mental development.
Aspect of poverty and its impact on development.
 (4 points) SKIMMIMG* and SCANNING 5.
  What eye-catching features can help you divide the text into sections?
Section headings which divide the text into different topics  1-4…
   (4 points) 9.   Why did researchers become interested the long-term effects of malnutrition?
studies firmly established that undernutrition in early life can limit long-term intellectual development. Findings such as these prompted researchers to examine the long-term effects of inadequate nutrition.
 (4 points)
1 0a.
According to earlier views (the "main-effect model"), what is the connection between nutrition and intellectual development?
the "main-effect model" assumed that poor nutrition was primarily a worry from conception to age two, when the brain grows to roughly 80 percent of its adult size. In this critical period, any degree of malnutrition was thought to stop the normal development of the brain and thereby cause severe, lasting damage.
a.       Give one specific fact /piece of evidence that contradicts the "main-effect model". damage to the brain can occur even when a child suffers malnutrition after the first two years of life — a sign that providing adequate nutrition throughout childhood is important to cognitive development. Focusing exclusively on the first two years of life is thus inadequate.
(5 + 3 = 8 points)
1 1.
What evidence does the author bring to show that factors such as a higher income can –